Stanford Lab Aligns With Pepper Bio To Target Tough Cancers

The drug discovery firm will work with the Dean Felsher laboratory, using the company's transomics platform to discover therapies for untreatable cancers. Researchers at Stanford University's Dean Felsher laboratory have announced plans to collaborate with drug discovery company Pepper Bio in an effort to identify therapeutic targets for untreatable lymphatic and liver cancers. With the help of Pepper Bio's platform on phosphoproteomics, the collaborators reportedly aim to identify and validate…

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Pepper Bio Partners with Stanford’s Felsher Lab to Identify Therapy Targets for Untreatable, MYC Addicted Lymphatic and Liver Cancers

Leveraging Pepper Bio’s transomics platform, Dean Felsher’s research team will translate academic findings for the development of more efficacious therapies for lymphoma and hepatocellular carcinoma Today, Pepper Bio, the world’s first transomics drug discovery company, announced a collaboration with the Dean Felsher Laboratory at Stanford University. Leveraging Pepper Bio’s unique platform on phosphoproteomics, the two teams aim to identify and validate novel targets for hepatocellular carcinoma and lymphoma within the year. Read on…

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Podcast: De-risking Your Start-Up

Denise Silbe, host of the Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs podcast, is joined by Jon Hu and Samantha Dale Strasser, PhD, co-founders of Pepper Bio, a Boston-based life sciences start-up expanding the potential for successful drug discovery. By combining their knowledge of industries from venture capital to electrical engineering, Jon and Samantha share lessons that are applicable to almost any start-up. Using transomics technologies, these founders are operating at the cutting edge…

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Our Bioplatform Approach: A Technical Advantage that Translates into a Business Advantage

By Jon Hu, CEO and Cofounder of Pepper Bio In the last decade, the tech industry has coined the phrase “software is eating the world.” In this decade, it’s going to be biotech that eats the world. Biotechnology, specifically, bioplatforms, are one of the main innovations changing our generation. Exhibit A: Moderna’s mRNA technology platform, which created the COVID-19 vaccine at an unprecedented rate, has changed how we perceive and interact…

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Move Over Multi-Omics – Meet Transomics, the Future of Drug Development

By Jon Hu, CEO and Cofounder of Pepper Bio  In the last century, we’ve seen incredible progress in the treatment and curing of human disease. Yet, scientists and drug developers still lack critical information about the variety of biological components that play a unique role in disease progression. For that reason, 3 out of 5 people worldwide still die of chronic inflammatory diseases, 1 of 6 die from cancer, and…

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A Waze for Drug Discovery? Meet Pepper Bio.

By Jon Hu and Samantha Dale Strasser, PhD When we met over a decade ago as students at Northwestern University, we were struck by our similar experiences of watching our loved ones suffer from untreatable diseases and fighting our own.  Jon recounts, “when I was diagnosed with severe chronic migraines, doctors were able to find a prophylactic treatment regimen so that I could live a normal life. However, when my…

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